• user warning: Table 'cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '3:badbff5c815116840284004fdd78bde0' in /home/tgv/htdocs/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table 'cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<!--paging_filter--><div style=\"text-align: center\">\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n<img height=\"150\" width=\"600\" src=\"http://www.thaigoodview.com/files/u30433/banner_phrasal_verb.gif\" />\n</div>\n</div>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n</div>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n</div>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n</div>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n</div>\n<p>\n<a href=\"http://www.thaigoodview.com/imce/browse\" onclick=\"imceFinitor(imceVar.activeRow); return false;\"></a>\n</p>\n<p>\n&nbsp;\n</p>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n<img height=\"78\" width=\"246\" src=\"http://www.thaigoodview.com/files/u30433/Untitled-1.gif\" />\n</div>\n<div>\n<a href=\"http://www.thaigoodview.com/imce/browse\" onclick=\"imceFinitor(imceVar.activeRow); return false;\"></a>\n</div>\n<p align=\"center\">\n<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/node/89563\" title=\"A\"><img height=\"47\" width=\"47\" src=\"http://www.thaigoodview.com/files/u30433/sm_ff_alpha_a3.png\" /></a><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/node/89564\" title=\"B\"><img height=\"47\" width=\"47\" src=\"http://www.thaigoodview.com/files/u30433/sm_ff_alpha_b.png\" /></a><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/node/89567\" title=\"C\"><img height=\"47\" width=\"47\" src=\"http://www.thaigoodview.com/files/u30433/sm_ff_alpha_c.png\" /></a><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/node/89568\" title=\"D\"><img height=\"47\" width=\"47\" src=\"http://www.thaigoodview.com/files/u30433/sm_ff_alpha_d.png\" /></a><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/node/89569\" title=\"E\"><img height=\"47\" width=\"47\" src=\"http://www.thaigoodview.com/files/u30433/sm_ff_alpha_e6.png\" /></a><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/node/89571\" title=\"F\"><img height=\"47\" width=\"47\" src=\"http://www.thaigoodview.com/files/u30433/sm_ff_alpha_f.png\" /></a><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/node/89573\" title=\"G\"><img height=\"47\" width=\"47\" src=\"http://www.thaigoodview.com/files/u30433/sm_ff_alpha_g.png\" /></a><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/node/89574\" title=\"H\"><img height=\"47\" width=\"47\" src=\"http://www.thaigoodview.com/files/u30433/sm_ff_alpha_h_0.png\" /></a><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/node/89575\" title=\"I\"><img height=\"47\" width=\"47\" src=\"http://www.thaigoodview.com/files/u30433/sm_ff_alpha_i3.png\" /></a><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/node/89576\" title=\"J\"><img height=\"47\" width=\"47\" src=\"http://www.thaigoodview.com/files/u30433/sm_ff_alpha_j.png\" /></a><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/node/89577\" title=\"K\"><img height=\"47\" width=\"47\" src=\"http://www.thaigoodview.com/files/u30433/sm_ff_alpha_k_0.png\" /></a><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/node/89578\" title=\"L\"><img height=\"47\" width=\"47\" src=\"http://www.thaigoodview.com/files/u30433/sm_ff_alpha_l.png\" /></a><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/node/89579\" title=\"M\"><img height=\"47\" width=\"47\" src=\"http://www.thaigoodview.com/files/u30433/sm_ff_alpha_m.png\" /></a><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/node/89581\" title=\"N\"><img height=\"47\" width=\"47\" src=\"http://www.thaigoodview.com/files/u30433/sm_ff_alpha_n.png\" /></a><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/node/89582\" title=\"O\"><img height=\"47\" width=\"47\" src=\"http://www.thaigoodview.com/files/u30433/sm_ff_alpha_o2.png\" /></a> <a href=\"http://www.thaigoodview.com/imce/browse\" onclick=\"imceFinitor(imceVar.activeRow); return false;\"></a><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.thaigoodview.com/node/67968\" title=\"O\"></a>\n</p>\n<p align=\"center\">\n<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/node/89583\" title=\"P\"><img height=\"45\" width=\"45\" src=\"http://www.thaigoodview.com/files/u30433/sm_ff_alpha_p.png\" /></a><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/node/89585\" title=\"Q\"><img height=\"47\" width=\"47\" src=\"http://www.thaigoodview.com/files/u30433/sm_ff_alpha_q.png\" /></a><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/node/89587\" title=\"R\"><img height=\"47\" width=\"47\" src=\"http://www.thaigoodview.com/files/u30433/sm_ff_alpha_r.png\" /></a><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/node/89588\" title=\"S\"><img height=\"47\" width=\"47\" src=\"http://www.thaigoodview.com/files/u30433/sm_ff_alpha_s_1.png\" /></a><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/node/89589\" title=\"T\"><img height=\"47\" width=\"47\" src=\"http://www.thaigoodview.com/files/u30433/sm_ff_alpha_t.png\" /></a><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/node/89591\" title=\"U\"><img height=\"47\" width=\"47\" src=\"http://www.thaigoodview.com/files/u30433/sm_ff_alpha_u5.png\" /></a><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/node/89594\" title=\"W\"><img height=\"47\" width=\"47\" src=\"http://www.thaigoodview.com/files/u30433/sm_ff_alpha_w_0.png\" /></a><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/node/89598\" title=\"Z\"><img height=\"47\" width=\"47\" src=\"http://www.thaigoodview.com/files/u30433/sm_ff_alpha_z.png\" /></a>\n</p>\n<p align=\"center\">\n<table width=\"100%\" cellPadding=\"10\" cellSpacing=\"0\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr>\n<td noWrap=\"true\" class=\"cross\"><b>Phrasal Verb</b></td>\n<td class=\"cross\"><b>Meaning(ความหมาย)</b></td>\n<td class=\"cross\"><b>Example</b></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>take after </b></td>\n<td>resemble a parent or relative(ถอดแบบจากพ่อแม่, ญาติ)</td>\n<td>I<b> take after</b> my father. Who do you take after?</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>take </b><i>something</i> <b>away</b> </td>\n<td>remove, seize or capture(ปลดปล่อยจาการกักขัง)</td>\n<td>The soldiers <b>took</b> the captives <b>away</b>.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>take  back </b></td>\n<td>retract something you said(ถอนคำพูด)</td>\n<td>I demand that you <b>take back</b> what you said.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>take </b><i>something</i><b> back </b></td>\n<td>return an item to a store(คืนสินค้า)</td>\n<td>The dress my grandmother bought for me<br />\n didn\'t fit, so I <b>took</b> it <b>back</b> and exchanged it for a pair of pants.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>take  down </b></td>\n<td>write down what is said(เขียนตามที่พูด)</td>\n<td>Would you mind <b>taking down</b> my messages<br />\n while I am on vacation?</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>take  down </b></td>\n<td>remove (from a high place)(เอาออกจากที่สูง)</td>\n<td>The city government made the shop <b>take down</b> their bright, neon sign.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>take </b><i>someone</i><b> for</b></td>\n<td>consider, view as(มองว่าเป็น)</td>\n<td>Do you <b>take </b>me <b>for</b> an idiot?</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>take  in </b></td>\n<td>learning(เรียนรู้)</td>\n<td>Are you <b>taking in </b>all of these phrasal verbs?</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>take  in </b></td>\n<td>deceive a person(หลอกลวงคน)</td>\n<td>He was <b>taken in</b> by the con artist.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>take  in </b></td>\n<td>make smaller when sewing(เย็บเข้าให้เล็กลง)</td>\n<td>I lost weight, so I need to take some<br />\n of my skirts to the tailor to have them <b>taken in</b>.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>take  off</b></td>\n<td>when a plane or rocket leaves the ground(เครื่องบินหรือจรวด ออกตัว)</td>\n<td>My stomach felt funny when the plane <b>took off</b>.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>take  off </b></td>\n<td>remove(ถอดออก)</td>\n<td>In many cultures, it is appropriate to <b>take off</b> your shoes when entering a house.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>take </b><i>something</i><b> off </b></td>\n<td>leave work or school for a period of time(พักการเรียน, การทำงาน)</td>\n<td>I was sick last week,so I<b>took</b>a few days <b>off</b>of work.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>take off</b></td>\n<td>leave(ออกจาก)</td>\n<td>We <b>took off</b> after dinner.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>take on </b></td>\n<td>accept (responsibilities, work)(รับหน้าที่)</td>\n<td>She has <b>taken on</b> too much responsibility in this project.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>take  over </b></td>\n<td>take control of(เข้าควบคุม)</td>\n<td>Who is going to <b>take over</b> the family business when Aretha\'s father dies?</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>take over</b></td>\n<td>take control o(เข้าควบคุม) </td>\n<td>If the President is assassinated, the<br />\n Vice-president will <b>take over</b>.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>take </b><i>someone</i><b> out </b></td>\n<td>accompany a person on a date (for dinner,<br />\n the movies)(ชวนไปเดท)</td>\n<td>I can\'t meet you tonight because I am <b>taking</b> Fernanda <b>out</b> to dinner.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>take  up </b></td>\n<td>begin a new hobby(เริ่มงานอดิเรกใหม่)</td>\n<td>Have you <b>taken up</b> any new hobbies since you moved here?</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>take </b><i>something</i><b> up </b></td>\n<td>discuss (at a later date)(ปรึกษาในเวลาต่อมา)</td>\n<td>We should<b> take</b> this issue <b>up</b> in the meeting tomorrow.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>take </b><i>something</i><b> up </b></td>\n<td>shorten a garment when sewing(ทำให้สั้นลง)</td>\n<td>This dress is too long, I am going to <b>take</b> it <b>up</b>.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>take up </b></td>\n<td>occupy space(กินเนื้อที่)</td>\n<td>This couch <b>takes up</b> too much space in the living room.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>talk back</b></td>\n<td>respond in an impolite way to an adult(ขานรับไม่สุภาพ)</td>\n<td>Don\'t<b> talk back</b>!</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>talk </b><i>something</i><b> over </b></td>\n<td>discuss(ปรึกษา)</td>\n<td>I hope my parents <b>talk</b> their relationship<br />\n problems <b>over </b>before they get divorced.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>tear  down </b></td>\n<td>destroy(ทำลาย)</td>\n<td>The county decided to <b>tear down</b> the dilapidated<br />\n school and build a new one.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>tear  up </b></td>\n<td>tear or rip into small pieces(ฉีกเป็นชิ้นเล็กๆ)</td>\n<td>I always <b>tear up</b> my personal papers before<br />\n I throw them out.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>tell </b><i>someone</i><b> off </b></td>\n<td>criticize a person severely, reprimand<br />\n (inf.)(วิพากษ์วิจารณ์อย่างรุนแรง)</td>\n<td>Carolina <b>told </b>me <b>off</b> when she found out<br />\n I was gossiping about her date with Martin.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>tell on </b></td>\n<td>report a crime to the police or bad behavior<br />\n to a parent (แจ้งเบาะแส)</td>\n<td>Every time I did something wrong when<br />\n I was a child, my sister would <b>tell on</b> me.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>think  over </b></td>\n<td>consider(ให้ความสำคัญ)</td>\n<td><b>Think over</b> the offer before you sign the contract.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td noWrap=\"true\"><b>think </b><i>something</i><b> through </b></td>\n<td>consider carefully(ให้ความสำคัญอย่างระมัดระวัง)</td>\n<td>You need to <b>think</b> this <b>through</b> carefully<br />\n before you make a decision.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>think  up </b></td>\n<td>create or invent a false story(หาข้อแก้ตัว)</td>\n<td>I need to <b>think up</b> an excuse for not going<br />\n to her party.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>throw  away </b></td>\n<td>discard(ละทิ้ง)</td>\n<td>Don\'t <b>throw away</b> those bottles; we can recycle them.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>throw  out </b></td>\n<td>discard(ละทิ้ง)</td>\n<td>I asked him not to <b>throw out</b> the Sunday<br />\n newspaper because I wanted to save an article.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>throw  out </b></td>\n<td>remove by force from (a room, school,<br />\n a house, etc.)(ออกไปด้วยการบังคับ)</td>\n<td>Mary <b>threw out</b> her roommate because she<br />\n stopped paying rent.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>throw up</b></td>\n<td>vomit(อาเจียน)</td>\n<td>If you drink too much alcohol, you might<b>throw up</b>.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>tie </b><i>something</i><b> up </b></td>\n<td>tie securely(ผูกเรือ)</td>\n<td>When we dock, make sure you <b>tie</b> the boat<b>up</b>.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>tire </b><i>someone</i><b> out</b></td>\n<td>cause someone to be very tired(ทำให้เหนื่อยมาก)</td>\n<td>Speaking English all day <b>tires</b> me <b>out</b>.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>touch on </b></td>\n<td>talk about for a short time(พูดสั้นๆเกี่ยวกับ)</td>\n<td>The presidential candidates <b>touched on</b><br />\n the subject of health care during the debates.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>touch  up</b></td>\n<td>make the final improvements(ตัดสินใจเด็ดขาด)</td>\n<td>We didn\'t paint the whole kitchen, we<br />\n just <b>touched up</b> the cabinets.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>try  on </b></td>\n<td>put on to make sure a piece of clothing fits(ลองเสื้อผ้า)</td>\n<td><b>Try on</b> the pants before you buy them.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>try  out</b></td>\n<td>test(ทดลอง)</td>\n<td><b>Try out</b> this massage chair - it feels great!</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>turn </b><i>someone</i><b> away</b></td>\n<td>refuse to deal with or give service(ไม่ต้อนรับ)</td>\n<td>They <b>turned</b> us <b>away</b> at the border because<br />\n we didn\'t have visas.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>turn </b><i>something</i><b> around</b></td>\n<td>change or reverse direction(เปลี่ยนเป้าหมาย)</td>\n<td><b>Turn </b>the car <b>around</b> and go back home.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>turn  down </b></td>\n<td>refuse an offer; reject an application(ปฎิเสธคำร้องขอ)</td>\n<td>She <b>turned down</b> the new job in New York,<br />\n because she didn\'t want to move.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>turn  down </b></td>\n<td>lower the volume or intensity of a TV, radio, or other machine(ลดระดับเสียง)</td>\n<td>I\'m studying! Please <b>turn down</b> the TV.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>turn </b><i>something</i><b> in</b></td>\n<td>submit(ส่ง)</td>\n<td>You need to <b>turn</b> your essays <b>in</b> next week.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>turn in</b></td>\n<td>go to bed (inf.)(เข้านอน)</td>\n<td>It\'s getting late. I think it is about<br />\n time to <b>turn in</b>.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>turn into </b></td>\n<td>become something different, transform(กลายเป็น)</td>\n<td>When she kissed the frog, it <b>turned into</b><br />\n a handsome prince.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>turn  off </b></td>\n<td>stop the function of (a stove, a water<br />\n faucet, a car, etc.)(ปิดเครื่องใช้ไฟฟ้่า)</td>\n<td>Don\'t forget to <b>turn off</b> the iron before<br />\n you leave the house.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>turn on </b></td>\n<td>attack unexpectedly(จู่โจมโดยไม่ได้คาดคิด)</td>\n<td>The pit bull suddenly <b>turned on</b> the small<br />\n child.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>turn </b><i>someone</i><b> on</b></td>\n<td>cause to be excited sexually (กระตุ้นอารมณ์)</td>\n<td>Scientists have discovered that the smell<br />\n of cinnamon <b>turns</b> many people <b>on</b>.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>turn  on </b></td>\n<td>start the function of a TV, a radio, a<br />\n machine(เปิดเครื่องใช้ไฟฟ้่า)</td>\n<td><b>Turn on</b> the TV. The baseball game starts<br />\n in a few minutes.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>turn  out</b></td>\n<td>produce (ผลิต)</td>\n<td>The weavers can <b>turn out</b> two or three<br />\n rugs a month.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>turn  out</b></td>\n<td>switch off a light(ปิดไฟ)</td>\n<td><b>Turn out</b> the light before you go to bed.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>turn out</b></td>\n<td>audience members to a function(ผู้ชมเข้าร่วม)</td>\n<td>Over 100,000 people <b>turned out</b> for the<br />\n concert.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>turn out</b></td>\n<td>end up being(ท้ายที่สุดก็กลายเป็น...)</td>\n<td>She <b>turned out</b> to be the murderer after all.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>turn </b><i>something</i><b> over</b></td>\n<td>give to authorities (said of evidence or stolen / lost property)(มอบอำนาจให้)</td>\n<td>They <b>turned</b> the wallet <b>over</b> to the police.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>turn up </b></td>\n<td>increase the volume or intensity of a TV, radio, or other machine(เพิ่มระดับเสียง)</td>\n<td><b>Turn up</b> the TV. I can\'t hear what they\'re saying.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><b>turn up</b></td>\n<td>find unexpectedly(พบโดยบังเอิญ)</td>\n<td>My keys <b>turned up</b> in the bedroom.</td>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n</p>\n<p align=\"right\">\n<b><span style=\"color: #999999\"><span style=\"color: #c0c0c0\"><a href=\"/node/89562\"><span style=\"background-color: #000000; color: #999999\"><u>Back to introduce to Phrasal verb</u></span></a></span></span><span style=\"background-color: #000000; color: #999999\"><span style=\"background-color: #ffffff\"> </span></span><a href=\"/node/83335\"><span style=\"background-color: #c0c0c0; color: #000000\"><u>Back to main menu</u></span></a></b>\n</p>\n<div align=\"right\">\n</div>\n<div>\nที่มา:  <a href=\"http://www.englishpage.com/prepositions/phrasaldictionary.html\" title=\"http://www.englishpage.com/prepositions/phrasaldictionary.html\"><u><span style=\"color: #0066cc\">http://www.englishpage.com/prepositions/phrasaldictionary.html</span></u></a>\n</div>\n<p>\n<a href=\"http://www.englishclub.com/vocabulary/phrasal-verbs-list.htm\" title=\"http://www.englishclub.com/vocabulary/phrasal-verbs-list.htm\"><u><span style=\"color: #0066cc\">http://www.englishclub.com/vocabulary/phrasal-verbs-list.htm</span></u></a>\n</p>\n<p>\n<a href=\"http://dictionary.meelink.com/\" title=\"http://dictionary.meelink.com\"><u><span style=\"color: #0066cc\">http://dictionary.meelink.com</span></u></a>\n</p>\n', created = 1727112129, expire = 1727198529, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '3:badbff5c815116840284004fdd78bde0' in /home/tgv/htdocs/includes/cache.inc on line 112.



Phrasal Verb Meaning(ความหมาย) Example
take after resemble a parent or relative(ถอดแบบจากพ่อแม่, ญาติ) I take after my father. Who do you take after?
take something away remove, seize or capture(ปลดปล่อยจาการกักขัง) The soldiers took the captives away.
take  back retract something you said(ถอนคำพูด) I demand that you take back what you said.
take something back return an item to a store(คืนสินค้า) The dress my grandmother bought for me
didn't fit, so I took it back and exchanged it for a pair of pants.
take  down write down what is said(เขียนตามที่พูด) Would you mind taking down my messages
while I am on vacation?
take  down remove (from a high place)(เอาออกจากที่สูง) The city government made the shop take down their bright, neon sign.
take someone for consider, view as(มองว่าเป็น) Do you take me for an idiot?
take  in learning(เรียนรู้) Are you taking in all of these phrasal verbs?
take  in deceive a person(หลอกลวงคน) He was taken in by the con artist.
take  in make smaller when sewing(เย็บเข้าให้เล็กลง) I lost weight, so I need to take some
of my skirts to the tailor to have them taken in.
take  off when a plane or rocket leaves the ground(เครื่องบินหรือจรวด ออกตัว) My stomach felt funny when the plane took off.
take  off remove(ถอดออก) In many cultures, it is appropriate to take off your shoes when entering a house.
take something off leave work or school for a period of time(พักการเรียน, การทำงาน) I was sick last week,so Itooka few days offof work.
take off leave(ออกจาก) We took off after dinner.
take on accept (responsibilities, work)(รับหน้าที่) She has taken on too much responsibility in this project.
take  over take control of(เข้าควบคุม) Who is going to take over the family business when Aretha's father dies?
take over take control o(เข้าควบคุม) If the President is assassinated, the
Vice-president will take over.
take someone out accompany a person on a date (for dinner,
the movies)(ชวนไปเดท)
I can't meet you tonight because I am taking Fernanda out to dinner.
take  up begin a new hobby(เริ่มงานอดิเรกใหม่) Have you taken up any new hobbies since you moved here?
take something up discuss (at a later date)(ปรึกษาในเวลาต่อมา) We should take this issue up in the meeting tomorrow.
take something up shorten a garment when sewing(ทำให้สั้นลง) This dress is too long, I am going to take it up.
take up occupy space(กินเนื้อที่) This couch takes up too much space in the living room.
talk back respond in an impolite way to an adult(ขานรับไม่สุภาพ) Don't talk back!
talk something over discuss(ปรึกษา) I hope my parents talk their relationship
problems over before they get divorced.
tear  down destroy(ทำลาย) The county decided to tear down the dilapidated
school and build a new one.
tear  up tear or rip into small pieces(ฉีกเป็นชิ้นเล็กๆ) I always tear up my personal papers before
I throw them out.
tell someone off criticize a person severely, reprimand
Carolina told me off when she found out
I was gossiping about her date with Martin.
tell on report a crime to the police or bad behavior
to a parent (แจ้งเบาะแส)
Every time I did something wrong when
I was a child, my sister would tell on me.
think  over consider(ให้ความสำคัญ) Think over the offer before you sign the contract.
think something through consider carefully(ให้ความสำคัญอย่างระมัดระวัง) You need to think this through carefully
before you make a decision.
think  up create or invent a false story(หาข้อแก้ตัว) I need to think up an excuse for not going
to her party.
throw  away discard(ละทิ้ง) Don't throw away those bottles; we can recycle them.
throw  out discard(ละทิ้ง) I asked him not to throw out the Sunday
newspaper because I wanted to save an article.
throw  out remove by force from (a room, school,
a house, etc.)(ออกไปด้วยการบังคับ)
Mary threw out her roommate because she
stopped paying rent.
throw up vomit(อาเจียน) If you drink too much alcohol, you mightthrow up.
tie something up tie securely(ผูกเรือ) When we dock, make sure you tie the boatup.
tire someone out cause someone to be very tired(ทำให้เหนื่อยมาก) Speaking English all day tires me out.
touch on talk about for a short time(พูดสั้นๆเกี่ยวกับ) The presidential candidates touched on
the subject of health care during the debates.
touch  up make the final improvements(ตัดสินใจเด็ดขาด) We didn't paint the whole kitchen, we
just touched up the cabinets.
try  on put on to make sure a piece of clothing fits(ลองเสื้อผ้า) Try on the pants before you buy them.
try  out test(ทดลอง) Try out this massage chair - it feels great!
turn someone away refuse to deal with or give service(ไม่ต้อนรับ) They turned us away at the border because
we didn't have visas.
turn something around change or reverse direction(เปลี่ยนเป้าหมาย) Turn the car around and go back home.
turn  down refuse an offer; reject an application(ปฎิเสธคำร้องขอ) She turned down the new job in New York,
because she didn't want to move.
turn  down lower the volume or intensity of a TV, radio, or other machine(ลดระดับเสียง) I'm studying! Please turn down the TV.
turn something in submit(ส่ง) You need to turn your essays in next week.
turn in go to bed (inf.)(เข้านอน) It's getting late. I think it is about
time to turn in.
turn into become something different, transform(กลายเป็น) When she kissed the frog, it turned into
a handsome prince.
turn  off stop the function of (a stove, a water
faucet, a car, etc.)(ปิดเครื่องใช้ไฟฟ้่า)
Don't forget to turn off the iron before
you leave the house.
turn on attack unexpectedly(จู่โจมโดยไม่ได้คาดคิด) The pit bull suddenly turned on the small
turn someone on cause to be excited sexually (กระตุ้นอารมณ์) Scientists have discovered that the smell
of cinnamon turns many people on.
turn  on start the function of a TV, a radio, a
Turn on the TV. The baseball game starts
in a few minutes.
turn  out produce (ผลิต) The weavers can turn out two or three
rugs a month.
turn  out switch off a light(ปิดไฟ) Turn out the light before you go to bed.
turn out audience members to a function(ผู้ชมเข้าร่วม) Over 100,000 people turned out for the
turn out end up being(ท้ายที่สุดก็กลายเป็น...) She turned out to be the murderer after all.
turn something over give to authorities (said of evidence or stolen / lost property)(มอบอำนาจให้) They turned the wallet over to the police.
turn up increase the volume or intensity of a TV, radio, or other machine(เพิ่มระดับเสียง) Turn up the TV. I can't hear what they're saying.
turn up find unexpectedly(พบโดยบังเอิญ) My keys turned up in the bedroom.

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