

Phrasal Verb Meaning(ความหมาย)
save  up accumulate (money)(เก็บสะสม) I hope I will be able to save up enough
money to go to school.
see about arrange or consider something(จัดการกับ) My dad said he was going to see about
buying me a car.
see someone off  say good-bye to someone at the beginning
of their trip (at the airport, train station)(บอกลาก่อนไปเที่ยว)
Did you see your sister off at the train
see to make sure something happens, arrange(จัดการกับ) I'll see to it that Mr. Ramirez gets your
see something through finish something despite difficulties(ทำสำเร็จแม้จะยากยิ่ง) Are you going to be able to see your studies
through now that you have a baby?
sell someone out tell on someone(บอกใครสักคนไป) My partner in crime sold me out for a
reduced jail sentence.
set someone up  arrange a relationship(สร้างความสัมพันธ์) My mom set me up with her friend's son.
set someone up falsely incriminate a person(ใส่ร้าย) I don't think he killed those men. Somebody
set him up.
set up arrange (an appointment, a meeting,etc.)(จัดการ*ใช้กับ การนัดหมาย,ประชุม) I set up an appointment with my doctor
at 3:30 this afternoon.
settle on make a decision after a period of time(ตัดสินใจหลังคิดมาก่อน) I settled on the job at the oil company.
settle up pay one's debts(จ่ายหนี้) We need to settle up before you move.
shop around compare prices(เปรียบเทียบราคา) I want to shop around a little before I decide on these boots.
show  off show to everybody with a lot of pride(แสดงตัว) He always shows off his new things.
show off boast, draw attention to oneself(ทำตัวเด่น) Young boys show off in order to impress
show  up make someone seem inferior(ทำตัวเด่นให้คนอื่นกลัว) He's always trying to show up his co-workers
in order to get ahead.
show up arrive without previous notice(มาโดยไม่ได้นัด) I hadn't seen my cousin for years, and
all of a sudden, he showed up at my workplace yesterday!
shut  off stop from functioning(หยุดให้บริการ) If you don't pay your electric bill, your
power is going to get shut off.
shut someone up make quiet(หุบปาก) Would someone shut him up! He's talking
so loudly that we're going to get in trouble.
sleep over stay somewhere for the night (informal)(อยู่ที่อื่นทั้งคืน) You should sleep over tonight if the weather is too bad to drive home.
slow something down make move more slowly(ทำให้ช้าลง) Because Mary's level in English is lower
than the rest of the students, she slows the class down.
slow something up make move more slowly(ทำให้ช้าลง) Because Mary's level in English is lower
than the rest of the students, she slows the class up.
spell something out to explain something in a detailed way
so that the meaning is clearly understood(อธิบายอย่างละเอียด)
He's so stupid that you have to spell
everything out for him.
stand by wait (รอ) I need you to stand by and answer the
phone when my broker calls.
stand for represent(แสดง) SCUBA stands for "self contained underwater
breathing apparatus."
stand for tolerate(อดทน) I won't stand for people criticizing me.
stand out be very noticeable(เป็นที่สังเกต) Soledad is so beautiful! She really stands
in a crowd.
stand someone up not arrive to a date or an appointment
I arranged to meet Joe at the library
at 8:00, but he stood me up. I hope he has a good excuse.
stand up for
defend (something one believes in)(ปกป้องในสื่งที่เชื่อ) Every individual must stand up for what
they believe in.
stand up to defend oneself against someone or something(ปกป้องจาก) I think you should stand up to your older
brother and tell him to stop pushing you around.
stay over spend the night at a person's house(ค้างคืน) It takes you so long to take the bus home,
so why don't you just stay over?
stick it to severely criticize a person (inf.)(วิพากษ์วิจารณ์อย่างโหดร้่าย) My boss really stuck it to me when I arrived
late to work for the third time this week.
stick to persevere, keep trying(พยายามจะ) Even though English is a hard language
to master, you must stick to it!
stick up for defend oneself or opinions(ปกป้อง) Joseph joined the army because he believes
he must stick up for his country.
switch something off stop the energy flow, turn off(ปิดไฟ) The light's too bright. Could you switch it off.
switch something on start the energy flow, turn on(เปิดไฟ) We heard the news as soon as we switched on the car radio.



Miss Janet&Nutthida

มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุม ผู้ใหญ่ใจดี

นักเรียนที่สร้างบล็อก กรุณาอย่า
ควรนำมาจากหลายๆ เว็บ แล้ววิเคราะห์ สังเคราะห์ และเขียนขึ้นใหม่
หากคัดลอกทั้งหมด จะถูกดำเนินคดี




ด่วน...... ขณะนี้
พระราชบัญญัติลิขสิทธิ์ (ฉบับที่ 2) พ.ศ. 2558 
เว็บ thaigoodview ในการส่งการบ้าน



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