• user warning: Table 'cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '3:e724ccf16e2c696be9664d38bc02e251' in /home/tgv/htdocs/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table 'cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<!--paging_filter--><p align=\"center\">\n&nbsp;\n</p>\n<p align=\"center\">\n<img height=\"79\" width=\"450\" src=\"/files/u31707/banner_10.jpg\" border=\"0\" />\n</p>\n<p align=\"center\">\n<img height=\"300\" width=\"300\" src=\"/files/u31707/5163F4HEA4L__SL500_AA300_.jpg\" alt=\"http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/5163F4HEA4L._SL500_AA300_.jpg\" border=\"0\" />\n</p>\n<p align=\"center\">\n(ที่มารูปภาพ : <a href=\"http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/5163F4HEA4L._SL500_AA300_.jpg\">http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/5163F4HEA4L._SL500_AA300_.jpg</a>)\n</p>\n<p align=\"center\">\n&nbsp;\n</p>\n<p align=\"center\">\nThere was once a young Shepherd Boy who tended his sheep at the foot of a mountain near a dark forest.\n</p>\n<p align=\"center\">\nIt was rather lonely for him all day so he thought upon a plan by which he could get a little company and some excitement.\n</p>\n<p align=\"center\">\nHe rushed down towards the village calling out Wolf,Wolf. and the villagers came out to meet him, and some of them stopped with him for a consideration time.\n</p>\n<p align=\"center\">\n&nbsp;\n</p>\n<p align=\"center\">\n<img height=\"588\" width=\"350\" src=\"/files/u31707/i015_th.jpg\" alt=\"http://sedition.com/img/aesops/i015_th.jpg\" border=\"0\" />\n</p>\n<p align=\"center\">\n(ที่มารูปภาพ : <a href=\"http://sedition.com/img/aesops/i015_th.jpg\">http://sedition.com/img/aesops/i015_th.jpg</a>) \n</p>\n<p align=\"center\">\n&nbsp;\n</p>\n<p align=\"center\">\n This pleased the boy so much that a few days afterwards he tried the same trick, and again the villagers came to his help.\n</p>\n<p align=\"center\">\nBut shortly after this a wolf actually did came out from the forest and began to worry the sheep, and the boy of course cried out &quot;wolf, wolf&quot; still louder than before.\n</p>\n<p align=\"center\">\nBut the villagers, who had fooled twice before, thought the boy was again deceiving them, and nobody stirred to come to his help.\n</p>\n<p align=\"center\">\nSo the wolf made a good meal off the boy\'s flock.\n</p>\n<p align=\"center\">\n&nbsp;\n</p>\n<p align=\"center\">\n&nbsp;\n</p>\n<p align=\"center\">\n&nbsp;\n</p>\n<p align=\"center\">\n&nbsp;\n</p>\n<p align=\"center\">\n There is no believing a liar, even when he speaks the truth.\n</p>\n<p align=\"center\">\n&nbsp;\n</p>\n', created = 1720083638, expire = 1720170038, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '3:e724ccf16e2c696be9664d38bc02e251' in /home/tgv/htdocs/includes/cache.inc on line 112.

.. The Shepherd Boy ..

รูปภาพของ sss27830



(ที่มารูปภาพ : http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/5163F4HEA4L._SL500_AA300_.jpg)


There was once a young Shepherd Boy who tended his sheep at the foot of a mountain near a dark forest.

It was rather lonely for him all day so he thought upon a plan by which he could get a little company and some excitement.

He rushed down towards the village calling out Wolf,Wolf. and the villagers came out to meet him, and some of them stopped with him for a consideration time.



(ที่มารูปภาพ : http://sedition.com/img/aesops/i015_th.jpg


 This pleased the boy so much that a few days afterwards he tried the same trick, and again the villagers came to his help.

But shortly after this a wolf actually did came out from the forest and began to worry the sheep, and the boy of course cried out "wolf, wolf" still louder than before.

But the villagers, who had fooled twice before, thought the boy was again deceiving them, and nobody stirred to come to his help.

So the wolf made a good meal off the boy's flock.





 There is no believing a liar, even when he speaks the truth.


มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุม ผู้ใหญ่ใจดี

นักเรียนที่สร้างบล็อก กรุณาอย่า
ควรนำมาจากหลายๆ เว็บ แล้ววิเคราะห์ สังเคราะห์ และเขียนขึ้นใหม่
หากคัดลอกทั้งหมด จะถูกดำเนินคดี




ด่วน...... ขณะนี้
พระราชบัญญัติลิขสิทธิ์ (ฉบับที่ 2) พ.ศ. 2558 
เว็บ thaigoodview ในการส่งการบ้าน



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