Active&Passive Voice


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Active & Passive  Voice.


Active Voice

Psaaive Voice

 1.    Present Simple

        The teacher punisher punishes the boy.

        Do you always laugh at him

 2.    Prasant Continuous

        The painters are painting our house.

        Are the students doing the exercises?

 3.    Present Perfect

        They have built a new hotel.

        Has the boy caught a bird?

 4.    Present Perfect Continuous

        She has been writing the letter for two         hours.

 5.    Past Simple

        My sister wrote a letter.

        Did the servant polish Tom's shoes?

 6.    Past Continuous

        While Jane was introducing me,the         telephone rang.

        Weren't they digging this hole when you         went you went past yesterday?

 7.    Past Perfect

        The guests had eaten all the food.

        Had he seen you before?

 8.    Past Perfect Continuous

        They had been teaching English for many         years when I started school.

 9.    Future Simple

        His mother will beat him if he does that         again.

        Will Mary invite Jack to her Party?

        going to

        They are going to widen the bridge soon.

        Is she going to open the shop.

 10.  Future Continuous

       They will be mowing the grass at o'clock        tomorrow.

 11. Future Perfect

       By next March the pupils will have taken        the examination.

       Will she have announced the results by the        end of next month?

 12. Future Perfect Continuous

       By next year they'll have been building        that road for a year.

  is,am,are +

  The boy is punished by the teacher.

  Is he always laughed at by you?

 is,am,are + being +

  Our house is being painted by the painters.

  Are the exercises being done by the   students?

 has,have + been +

  A new hotel has been built by them.

  Has a bird been caught by the boy?

 has,have + been + being +

  The letter has been being written for two   hours by her.

 was,were +

  A letter was written by my sister.

  Were Tom's shoes polished by the servant.

 was,were + being +

  While I was being introduced by Jane, the   telephone rang.

  Wasn't this hole being dug by them when you   went past yesterday?

 had been +

  All the food had been eaten by the guests.

  Had you been seen by him before?

 had been + being +

  English had been being taught for many years   by them when I started school.

 will be +

  He will be beaten by his mother if he does   that again.

  Will Jack be invited by Mary to her party?

 is,am,are + going to + be +

  The bridge is going to be widened soon.

  Is the shop going to be opened?

 will be + being +

  The grass will be being mown at two o'clock   tomorrow.

 will have + been +

  By next March the examination will have been   taken by the pupils.

  Will the results have been announced by her   the end of next month?

 will have + been + being +

  By next year that road will have been being   built for a year.


Auxiliary Verb / have to


 may, might

 can, could

 must, has to, have to

 ought to

 shall, should


+ be +

    You ought to open the window.                                    The window ought to be opened.

    My teacher can speak German.                                   German can be spoken by my teacher.

    Verb ที่ไม่สามารถใช้ได้ในประโยค Passive Voice

1.    Intransitive Verb (V. ที่ไม่มีกรรม)

        They go to school every day.                                She swims quite well. (active)

2.    Transitive Verb บางตัว

        Dang had his breakfast.                                        His breakfast was had by Dang.


3.    Verb of incom plete

        She became queen.                                              Aqueen was become by her.


        (queen ประโยคแรก complement ไม่ใช่ object)

      Passive Voice ที่ไม่ต้องการ preposition "by"

1.    People in Italy speak Italian. (Active Voice)

       Italian is spoken in Italy.       (Passive Voice)

2.    Men have climbed Mount. Everest many times. (Active Voice)

       Mount. Everest has been climbed many times. (Passive Voice)

3.    Personal Pronoun - (me, you, us, him, her, them) ไม่จำเป็นต้องใส่ by

       They will build a new road through here soon.

       A new road will be built through here soon.

       She is cooking the dinner now.

       The dinner is being cooked now.

4.    Everyone, Everybody, Someone, Somebody, No one, Nobody

       Everyone must obey the law.

       The law must be obeyed.

        Double Objects

        The headmaster  gave me a prize.

        a.    I was given a prize by the headmaster.

        b.    A prize was given to me by the headmaster.

        They showed us the palace where the Royal family lived.

        a.    We were shown the palace where the Royal family lived.

        b.    The palace where the Royal familylived was shown to us.

        Question Words

        What will you give me?                                    What will I be given by you?

        When will you finish your essay?                     When will your essay be finished?

        Why did he punish his children?                      Why were his children punished?

        Who wrote "Oliver Twist"?                               By whom was "Oliver Twist" written?

        Imperative Sentence Let + object + be + (passive voice)

        Don't kill the tiger.                                           Let the tiger not be killed.

        Open your book.                                              Let your book be poened.

        Do it.                                                               Let it be done.

        Send for the doctor.                                         Let the doctor be sent for.

        Adverb of manner

        They did the work well.                                   The work was well done. (passive)

    Active Voice กับกริยา  think, consider, know, acknowledge, report, say, find, claim, understant,                                      believe, hope, fear, feel

                                     People said that he was jealous of her.

    Passive Voice          1.    It was said that he was jealous of her.

                                    2.    He was said to be jealous of her.

+ to V. (passive)

We saw them go out.                                    They were seen to go out.

He made us work.                                        We were made to work.

Present Participle or gerund

Passive + being +

I saw John kicking the ball.                          I saw the ball being kicked by John.

Infinitive    to be + (passive)

I want her to take the chair away.                         I want the chair to be taken a way by her.

He wanted the teachers to chck the papers.        He wanted the papers to be checked by the                                                                             teachers.

Verb ใน  Active บางคำเมื่อเป็น Passive Voice จะไม่ใช้ by แต่ใช้ at, in, with, etc.

Your essay doesn't interest me.                           I'm not interested in your essay.

The fire killed four men.                                       Four men were killedin the fire.

Your success pleases me much.                          I am much pleased at(with) your success.

Snow covers the mountain.                                  The mountain is covered with snow.


happen, occur, take place, cost, belong to ไม่เป็น Passive Voice



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