Picture By : Sarita Vichayadacha
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Exercises 2

คำชี้แจง ให้นักเรียนเลือกคำตอบที่ถูกต้องที่สุด

1. ……….? Her eyes ………. swollen.

    a. Did she cry, have looked 
    b. Had she been crying, looked
    c. Does she cry, look
    d. Has she been crying, are looking
2. Our team ………. the volley-ball match.
    a. win
    b. was won
    c. have been winning
    d. won
3. When ………. you grandmother?

    a. did you last see
    b. have you last seen
    c. were you last seeing
    d. had you last been seeing

4. I ………. the teacher was wrong to give him permission.

    a. think
    b. thought
    c. was thinking
    d. had thought

5. Mrs. Brinda ………. for thirty-five years when she ………. last year.

    a. taught, had retired
    b. was teacher, was retiring
    c. had been teaching, retired
    d. has been teaching, retires

6. Jimmy ……… the answer ; he only guessed.

    a. had not known
    b. did not know
    c. was not knowing
    d. had not been knowing

7. You looked very busy, when I saw you last night. What ……….?

    a. you were doing
    b. had you done
    c. you are doing
    d. were you doing

8. All the time the teacher ………. the two lazy students ………. about last night’s television program.

    a. was teaching, were thinking
    b. taught, thought
    c. was teaching, thought
    d. taught, were thinking

9. They ………. the boxing when there was an explosion.

    a. would watch
    b. watched
    c. were watching
    d. had watched

10. After the children ………. a bath they had their dinner.

    a. would take
    b. had taken
    c. had been taking
    d. was taking





อาจารย์วีณา รัตนสุมาวงศ์
นางสาวสริตา วิชญาเดชะ, นางสาวภัคพร เกียรติจินดารัตน์, นางสาวอัฉรา ศาสนพิทักษ์กุล


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