ข้อสอบเข้ามหาวิทยาลัย ปี 2540
วิชา ภาษาอังกฤษ กขค

Part 1             :        QUESTIONS (1-35)

Direction        :        Choose the best answer for each blank.

A. Situation    :        A tourist is asking for direction.

Ken   :   Excuse me, can you spare a minute?
Toy    :   Sure, ...1...?
Ken   :   The thing is we're lost. And ...2.., we've completely lost our sense of direction.
Toy    :   Well, where are you trying to get to?
Ken   :   We thought we'd drop into the duty free shop and see if there were any ...3... . I reckoned from the
              map that it was just around this corner, but I ...4... any sign of it.
Toy    :   The duty free shop. Oh, you must have taken the ...5... at the last junction. You need to go back  
               up to those traffic lights ...6... go straight across and the duty free shop is on your left.
Ken   :   ...7... . I must have made a mistake ...8... the map. Thank you so much. You've been very ...9... .
Toy    :   No problem. It ...10... me a chance to practice my English.
Ken   :   Your English seems pretty good to me. Are you a student?
Toy    :   ...11..., but now I'm working in that office over there.
Ken   :   Anyway, ...12... running into you. Thanks again for your help.
Toy    :   Bye.


 how can you help me
what can I do for you
where do you want to go            
what time is it


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